I was reading the New Scientist today, and came across an interesting article on how Somali pirates could literally be contributing to the demise of fish stocks in the Indian Ocean. A consequence of such piracy has meant that fishing boats now need to carry armed guards. This has resulted in little available room for scientific observers to collect fisheries information relating to fish stocks and bycatch, as well as ensuring boats abide by fishing rules.
Without this data an increase in fishing pressure may result. One example is the use of bamboo rafts with attached nets that capture any fish that shelter beneath it. Such shelters in the open ocean are rare and typically are a boon to fish. Rafts such as these float in the Indian Ocean for weeks on end. Michel Goujon, director of the French tuna-boat owners' assoication, has evidence that such use is on the rise. Unfortunately, there is no good news - piracy looks like it is here to stay.
New Scientist, 13 February 2010, No 2747
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